Thursday, October 23, 2014

Driving in NJ for Expats

Expat Life - Driving in NJ

Firstly as a friendly reminder to my fellow Brits out there ...KEEP RIGHT! Americans drive on the right side of the road,

Here's some new signs you should know....

STOP - it means stop. Not yield, no rolling stops here. This is not like a UK 'Give Way' sign.

At a 4-way stop sign, you stop and give way to the right if you arrive simultaneously or to whoever arrives first. Ofcourse nobody really knows the rules so proceed with caution.

STOP when a school bus stops ahead of you, whatever side of the road. You may not pass a school bus on any side as the children disembark.

New Jersey driving test @ NJ Expat Guru

YIELD - Slow right down, look, and proceed with caution. Like a UK 'Give way' sign

NO TURN ON RED - don't turn right on a red light here. In many instances  you can turn right on a red light so long as you stop first. But check that this sign isn't there before you do. Some junctions have time restrictions on when you can or can't turn on a red light.

SPEED restrictions. Keep an eye out for the allowed speed signs. Will be in MILES per hour. Local roads are 25 MPH.

Speed cameras don't really exist, but they will put a police car on some routes. Police in NJ are quite serious. No joking around. Treat them nicely. Don't get out of your vehicle if they stop you. Roll down your window and do as they ask. Ideally keep car insurance and registration papers in glove compartment. Always have your driving license on you.

PEDESTRIANS have the right of way - so stop for them if they are about to cross a road.

LIGHTS ON - In NJ you must have your lights on if its raining, snowy, icy etc. As well as in the dark!

PARKING - Yellow painted curb means no parking. Don't park within 10 ft of a fire hydrant. No parking near a STOP sign either.

If you plan to stay here you need to apply for a US driving license.

Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed